

Probus Nursery Place
Parents who are interested in their child acquiring a place at Probus Nursery are invited to have a look around the setting and meet staff on the following dates.
Thursday 28th November  2024 1:30
Thursday 27th February  2025 1:30
Thursday 5th June 2025 1:30
 Please email  Mrs Senior in the school office to book  hello@probusschool.org.uk 
An expression of interest form can also be completed prior to the visit and we can contact you to discuss requirements. 
FREE Nursery Entitlement
Please note that the free nursery entitlement of 15 hours (or 30 hours depending on eligibility) begins the term AFTER your child turns 3 years of age.  Probus Nursery is not currently able to provide any 2-year-old funded places and can only accept children from the term AFTER they turn 2.5 years.
We accept children throughout the academic year, subject to availability. *To apply for a place, please click on the link below and a member of our team will be in touch.*
Also available below is our Admissions & Waiting List Policy which provides more information on our admissions criteria.  It also details our waiting list criteria should a place not be readily available.
If you have any questions, or require support, then please contact Probus Nursery on 01726 882647.


Invoices for non-funded sessions and additional sessions over the 15 hours free nursery entitlement (if you are not eligible for 30 hours) are sent on a termly basis and we ask that 50% is paid at the start of term with the remainder due by half-term. 

Nursery Uniform

Children can wear their own clothes, but we do encourage children to wear the main Probus School jade jumper, available to purchase from KeyWear School Uniform in Truro. Sizes for little ones are available, starting from 1-2 years upwards.  

We also ask parents/carers to ensure that suitable outdoor clothing, including waterproofs and wellies, are supplied clearly named.  These may be kept in nursery so we can take advantage to go exploring!

Probus Primary School
School website design by eSchools. Content provided by Probus Primary School. All rights reserved. 2025