
Curriculum Structure

Curriculum structure


A language rich curriculum based on key texts, songs and rhymes, forms the core of the Nursery experience supplemented by a learning environment to stimulate meaningful play and discussion. The Nursery routines develop independence,  learning and positive relationships. The Get set for PE programme commences and the introduction to our phonics scheme.

Reception Year

Ten projects form the framework for our reception year experience and these are selected to reflect pupils’ interests and to develop knowledge and understanding of the world around them. Phonics is introduced from week one and delivered daily to all pupils. A programme for mathematical development commences and builds upon our Nursery experiences. Whole class learning, meaningful play and continuous provision is planned to balance the curriculum input and support pupils' learning. Children develop their physical skills based on the Get set 4 PE programme, which is continued throughout the school. 

Year 1

The learning initially reflects the early years experience with meaningful play activities, targeted class and group teaching and a daily phonics programme. As the first term progresses, more formal learning situations are introduced and whole class mathematics commences following the NCETM school rolling programme. Year one’s programme for humanities, science and the arts emphasises an understanding of self and the locale. Pupils contrast their own experiences with those of urban living and living in a foreign country. They begin to comprehend the linear structure of time and that places and people change over time. Caring for others and our environment form an important part of the year one curriculum.

In science the pupils focus on observational skills and recording with measures. They learn about the materials in the world around them both natural and man-made. They learn about the natural world and how to support wildlife in our locale.

The children commence the Charanga music programme which runs until the end of year six. Pupils continue the Jigsaw PSHE programme and our RE scheme based on the County Syllabus. PE is delivered at least twice a week and physical active learning is encouraged daily.

Year 2

The programme for history and geography, science and the arts builds upon year one’s foundation further exploring self and the locale. Pupils gain more insight into the wider world, comparing where they live with a non-western village. They begin to understand how lifestyles have altered over time. 

They learn about significant people from the past who have influenced our history and continue to follow the discrete programme for PSHE, RE, Music, PE and Computing. In the village study, they consider how to care for and support our community.

More formal questioning for reading comprehension is introduced and exploring and understanding a wider variety of texts is core to this year’s experience.

In Science, pupils extend observational skills, learn to shape a more formal investigation and further expand knowledge of the materials and natural world around them.

Year 3 and 4

A two year programme for humanities, science and the arts, which the teachers plan together with consideration for progression across the age range, is delivered. History focuses on the Stone Age, Iron age and Ancient Egypt in year three and the ancient civilisations of Greece and Roman in year four. Understanding of resources and the methods to explore the past are introduced. Domestic life is explored across the time periods and contrasted with pupils own lifestyles. Understanding of archaeology and fieldwork methods are supplemented with field trips to significant sites in Cornwall, such as Chysauster as well as workshops at the Royal Cornwall Museum.

Science focuses on developing observing/recording skills, investigating and applying past experiences to predict and evaluate and gaining new knowledge in areas such as forces and magnets, electricity, the human body and water.

The visual arts follow the access art curriculum. We have our own DT curriculum.  

Our language programme commences formally in year three and French is the language explored during the key stage developing phonics, grammar and vocabulary with a high quality discrete programme.

Music is delivered with the Charanga programme and opportunities for instrumental tuition are encouraged. Our programmes for computing, RE, PSHE and PE continue.

Year 5 and 6

In year five, pupils explore the invaders and settlers of Britain and learn of the Age of Wisdom in Bagdad. The year six history explores the Victorian period with an in depth study of Cornish developments during this time. Darwin’s theories are explored. 

Discrete programmes are delivered for music, modern foreign languages, PSHE, Geography, PE, DT and computing. 

Revision techniques and retaining past vocabulary and knowledge becomes more of a focus in these years. Learning about own skills and methods to support learning, being aware of strategies to progress and being self-reflective is an important part of the pedagogy as pupils prepare for the next stage of their education.

Science is delivered weekly mainly as a discrete area of learning but when meaningful connections are present, they are utilised. Science skills are explicitly taught with a “talk for science” approach. Observing, measuring, recording, evaluating and reinvestigating are core to the study throughout both key stages. Maths skills are enhanced by the science programme beginning with simple measures, ordering and sorting building to recording statistics and accurately using a wide variety of measures.


Probus Primary School
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