
Our Curriculum Statement & Drivers

Our Probus mission statement is:

“Strong roots feed a lifetime of learning”

All staff are aware that it is essential to offer firm solid foundations for behaviour, wellbeing and learning. The aim is to build an enduring love of learning; a confidence and resilience to aim high and respectful relationships to support ourselves and others in life. At Probus School we are fortunate to have our own Nursery and our values and practices are available to the child (and family) as soon as they commence. Our school invests deeply in the Early Years curriculum and establishes “strong roots” for the children in our care from which to build further learning.

The pupils are made aware they are on a journey to progress and grow, using the symbolism of trees. Each class has a tree name, commencing with Acorns culminating in the Oak class, for our mature year sixes. The notion that growth and learning are inextricably linked and that we continue to address our strengths and development points throughout our life, is reflective of the growth mind set approach and the meta-cognitive processes we promote. Staff are encouraged to be reflective on practice and together we are on a journey of continual professional development.

At Probus school we recognise learning is an exciting process that is not about finishing or completing, but about attempting, exploring, moving forwards, communicating and re-evaluating.

We seek to develop young people who will be caring, confident, engaged with learning, who are ambitious, believe in themselves and realise that progress requires resilience and focus.

Our Curriculum

At Probus school we offer some subjects discretely and some in a cross –curricular topic themes to help pupils make connections across their learning and create a stimulating collection of experience that give coherence about one main theme. Pupils can locate the learning with a particular project and within this area aspects are explored with depth for progression in skills and knowledge. The curriculum content follows the national curriculum for England as its basis with further development relating to the school drivers.

Each topic has a large emphasis on developing vocabulary and accessing high quality texts. Reading development is embedded throughout the programmes and commences with a high quality phonics programme (Little Wandle) and Wellcomm language programme.

Access to the full offer is of paramount importance for all pupils. The experienced SENDCo advises on adaptations for pupils with needs and pupils have individual support plans to enable inclusion.

Our curriculum offer is constantly under review and to that end Probus school has yearly drivers, which all staff consider in the planning stage, and also senior staff embed in wider school experiences. The sequencing of learning and the areas to be covered are always under reflection. Teachers are expected to be responsive in delivery.

During the COVID pandemic the school has experienced dramatic changes in our culture and learnt new ways of delivering and sharing learning. The school is seeking to retain the strengths of the new communications integrating the new platforms into the pedagogies. Online materials of the highest quality have been accessed and Probus School will continue to seek out and utilise these excellent resources to support an ambitious and creative curriculum.

To keep our school curriculum moving forwards and addressing needs of our community we have four school drivers discussed and agreed by staff.

Our Current School Drivers 

1. To promote mental health for all with an emphasis on outdoor learning and immersion in natural environment.

2. To ensure exposure for all, to events and learning with high cultural capital, especially for the pupil premium cohort. We are seeking to offer an enhanced visual and performing arts offer, regularly linking with professional artists bringing high quality art experiences to the children following COVID lockdown periods.

3. To embed our curriculum in the locale and utilise the high quality resources on our doorstep and ground the understanding of humanities and arts in the beautiful rural Cornish environment. This allows pupils to appreciate and comprehend their learning relating to what they can see and experience in the world around them.

4. To promote and celebrate diversity within the school culture and beyond. An “all welcome” ethos with strong consideration for exposure to images, literature, experiences and role models which expand the pupils experience and challenge stereotypes.

Probus Primary School
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