
E-Safety for Parents

E-Safety in the current world is something that needs addressing more than ever. 
New apps/games/ways to interact are part of the evolution of computing.
As a school, Probus want our children to embrace new technologies, to use technology safely, to be confident users of the internet - knowing how they can enjoy it as well as knowing how to be respectful and kind.
Technologies are ever evolving... at Probus, we are here to help parents in the quest to stay one step ahead so that our children can grow up safely in this technological world. 
At Probus, our school rules - Be Kind, Be Ready, Be Safe - link to our approach to staying safe on the internet. 
We have adopted the 5 pillars of interent safety from Google's - Be Internet Legends
1) Think Before You Share (Be Internet Sharp)
2) Check it’s For Real (Be Internet Alert)
3) Protect Your Stuff (Be Internet Secure)
4) Respect Each Other (Be Internet Kind)
5) When in Doubt, Discuss (Be Internet Brave)
Games for children... 
Internet Safety Games for Children: 
https://www.vodafone.co.uk/mobile/digital-parenting/resources-category - Full of interesting information and current news!
https://www.wearecoda.com/example-flip-book/mobile.html - Storybook involving Goldilocks - A Hashtag Cautionary Tale!

Game age ratings explained

What do game ratings mean?

To help you choose age-appropriate games for children most platforms will feature an age rating on the game. Due to the way certain platforms categorise games according to their content, at times the age rating for one game may not be the same across all platforms. So, it can be confusing when taking a call on whether a game is age-appropriate.



Further information...


E-Safety help sheets for parents and carers! (See below)

Probus Primary School
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